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If you can stomach just one more dramatization of a true story, then save room for The Girl From Plainville. These are the best shows to watch on Hulu right now.Įlle Fanning and Colton Ryan, The Girl From Plainville Steve Dietl/Hulu

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Big titles like Ramy will be back on the list when they return, so you can pass that time by finding something new to enjoy. We recommend Candy, which stars Jessica Biel as the infamous housewife-turned-ax murderer Candy Montgomery Under the Banner of Heaven, which stars Andrew Garfield as a Mormon detective investigating a murder and The Girl From Plainville, which stars Elle Fanning as Michelle Carter, the teen girl at the center of the 2014 'texting suicide' case.Ĭurious how this list was made? Our selections are focused on new releases, original shows from Hulu and FX, and critical hits you can't stream anywhere else, as well as a handful of underrated favorites you might not find on other lists. Or, if you're primarily on that true crime beat, there's plenty of that to check out. If you're looking for the best shows to watch on Hulu, you can start with the recently released Conversations with Friends, a TV adaptation of Sally Rooney's novel that's very much in the vein of Normal People.

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